Blog Archive

Your Algorithm

 does not attract
mine. We've debated this
the prosaic vs. the sublime.
You dared to die;
I dared to defy.
In the end,
there is no end;

only distances
don't die. 

Go Slow

 Go slow, girl,
go slow. Do not be seduced
by cognitive bias.
The rush
does not exist. Repeat:
Carousels come,
and they will go.
Just like memories
and yarns of yore. 

Pale Boy

 pale boy trudges
through winter slush.
eyes downcast,
thoughts amuck.
He struggles to recall
the starkness of Narnia,
instead holocaust
images assault 

his inner crust. 

Neither Dainty Nor Delicate

 these scars
attest to the most brutal of tests. No rest
for the wicked, no rest for the saintly
no rest
no rest.

A Taste of Memory (for R)

 Your memory
not tasty, yet tasted
repeatedly. We cannot go back
you asserted
yet here we are

not you, but me.
I carry your multiples
casually beside me
in a leather

battered suitably
The problem is,
my darling,
you never stopped suiting me. 

House Remembers

 House remembers three
ungainly children, greedy
for sweets, toys, attention.
House is shyly proud
of a sunken living room, rosewood basement,
Louvre shutters a yard once
in the days

when Master tended,
gently ruling, placating a morose
wife with woes unending.

Your Life or Mine

 In the end,
the end has come and gone.
Is this your 
life or mine?
Will you defend
the atrocities unending
or are you able
to condemn
cheap questions sent
by proxy unrepented?